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How to Train for a Sub-3-Hour Marathon: Key Metrics and Workouts

Luke Bialobzyski, CSEP-CPT

Achieving a sub-3-hour marathon is a milestone that symbolizes not only speed but also endurance, resilience, and strategic training. Many athletes aspire to reach this level, yet only a small percentage can accomplish it. Success in a marathon at this speed isn’t merely about running fast on race day; it’s the culmination of months, if not years, of consistent training. This blog post will explore the following concepts that if applied, will fast track you to success. Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • The key physiological variables that impact running performance. We'll explore the "Big 3" elements that form the foundation for a sub-3-hour marathon: VO₂max, lactate threshold, and running economy.

  • Review a study published in 2017 which analyzed and compared the physiological and training characteristics of recreational marathon runners, examining how differences in performance might be linked to specific physiological markers and training practices.

  • Provide a blueprint for designing an effective training plan to reach the goal of a sub-3-hour marathon.

Key Physiological Variables that Impact Running Performance

Building Aerobic Power: The Role of VO₂max

The first major component of long-distance performance we’ll be discussing is VO₂max, or maximal oxygen uptake, which reflects the body’s ability to deliver and use oxygen during intense exercise. VO₂max is often considered a marker of an athlete’s aerobic power; the higher the VO₂max, the more oxygen muscles can use to sustain efforts. For a sub-3-hour marathon, a high VO₂max is crucial, but it's not the sole requirement. 

Research from various studies, including one by Haugen and colleagues, examines the training characteristics of world-class distance runners. Their study found that elite marathon runners typically have a VO₂max between 65 and 85 mL/kg/min (1).

Although aerobic power is largely determined by genetics, runners can improve their VO₂max through targeted training that emphasizes both intensity and duration (1,2). For example, a study by Hickson and colleagues demonstrated the potential for significant VO₂max improvements in untrained individuals. Their research showed that sedentary and recreationally active participants experienced a remarkable 44% increase in VO₂max following a 10-week high-intensity training program. This regimen alternated between 40-minute cycling sessions at VO₂max and 40-minute high-intensity runs, performed six days per week (3).

Sidebar: VO₂max Interval Training Recommendations

Based on high-intensity interval training (HIT) research by Buchheit & Laursen, 2013 (4), here are evidence-based recommendations for designing intervals to maximize VO₂max gains:

  • Interval Duration and Intensity

    • Work Interval Duration: 3-5 minutes for maximizing time at VO₂max. Shorter intervals (15sec - <2 minutes) require more sets and less rest.

    • Work Intensity: 90-95% of VO₂max for max gains. (~>93% Hrmax or RPE >8)

  • Relief Interval Characteristics

    • Recovery Type: Passive (walking, standing) or active (jogging) can both be applied for intervals at 3-5 minutes. For short intervals (<2 minutes) active recovery is superior.

    • Relief Duration: 1:<1 work-to-rest ratio maintains elevated VO₂ levels; longer recovery supports better interval performance, especially when covering longer distances e.g) 1200m. If you are doing active recovery (jogging), you will need to rest longer than if you are doing passive recovery (standing still).

  • Volume and Frequency:

    • Total time @VO₂max: Aim for 10-15 minutes per session. Example: 6x4-minute intervals at 90-95% VO₂max or up to 30 repetitions for shorter intervals (e.g., 30s/30s).

    • Note: a larger aerobic bases allow an athlete to train for a longer time at V02max intensity

As mentioned above, VO₂max alone does not determine marathon success. The ability to sustain a high fraction of VO₂max over a long period—achieved through lactate threshold training and improved running economy—is equally important.

Finding the Edge: Lactate Threshold and Its Significance

From a physiological perspective, the lactate/anaerobic threshold (LT2) represents the speed at which lactate starts to accumulate in the blood faster than it can be cleared (>4.0 m/mmol). It’s essentially the dividing line between comfortable, sustainable running and the harder efforts that lead to fatigue. Reaching a high LT2 is vital for those aiming to maintain a pace that translates to a sub-3-hour finish, as it allows them to hold a faster pace for longer.

Research shows that marathoners running to their full potential with work between their aerobic (LT1) and anaerobic (LT2) thresholds, with top marathon runners typically operating closer to their LT2, which is typically about 85% to 90% of their VO₂max, highlighting the importance of working within this intensity zone. In fact, one could argue these efforts are most “sport specific” to distance events and therefore a critical part of a training plan. According to a study by Billat et al., (5) these threshold-based sessions are among the most effective for endurance athletes. They improve runners' ability to sustain higher paces without "hitting the wall" due to lactate accumulation. These sessions form the basis for two of the three most common training distribution models: pyramidal and threshold. Incorporating tempo runs and long intervals at threshold paces effectively shifts the lactate curve rightward. This shift allows runners to maintain faster speeds with less lactate buildup.

Training at different ranges between one's thresholds is crucial for overall athletic development. At the lower end of this spectrum, "steady and tempo" efforts are common, often synonymous with marathon-paced efforts on the low end and half-marathon efforts on the high end. These include sustained runs of 20-40+ minutes at a pace above the aerobic threshold (LT1), but not so high as to approach the anaerobic threshold (LT2) within the training session (see chart below). At the higher end of the threshold curve, training at anaerobic threshold (LT2) is more akin to efforts between half-marathon and 10k paces. These are typically broken into shorter intervals of 1-4k with brief rest periods. Additionally, continuous efforts can be performed at LT2, but are usually limited to 20 minutes.



Effort Level

LT1 (Aerobic Threshold

Lower end of the threshold curve. Marks the onset of blood lactate past ~2 mM and the transition from “easy” to more demanding efforts.

Working between LT1 and LT2 is associated with steady and tempo efforts (Marathon to half-marathon pace)

LT2 (Anaerobic Threshold)

Top end of the threshold curve, associated with more intense, yet still sustainable efforts

Between half-marathon and 10k pace for most individuals

Note: Training at different ranges between these thresholds is important for total athletic development. Working on the lower end of the curve closer to LT1 are typically longer and more sustainable, while LT2 workouts are more intense and usually broken into intervals or shorter steady-state efforts.

Running More for Less

Running economy (RE) refers to the amount of oxygen consumed at a given running speed and is often described as a measure of “fuel efficiency” for runners. Elite marathoners, including sub-3-hour performers, exhibit better running economy, meaning they consume less oxygen at the same pace compared to less trained runners. Running economy is influenced by several factors, including biomechanics, muscle-tendon stiffness, and even metabolic efficiency.

Saunders et al. (6) reported that trained runners with better running economy can often outperform those with a higher VO₂max but poorer economy, especially in distance events. This suggests that RE is as critical as VO₂max and LT for long-distance success. Improving RE involves both biomechanics (running more) and specific training, such as plyometric exercises and strength training. These exercises increase muscle stiffness and improve neuromuscular coordination, allowing runners to maintain speed with lower energy expenditure.

Additionally, training at or slightly faster than race pace can help improve economy by ingraining efficient movement patterns. The principle here is specificity: by training at the speeds you aim to race at, you become more economical at those speeds. This strategy, supported by various studies, emphasizes training efficiency alongside intensity.

Physiolgical and Training Characteristics of Recreational Marathon Runners

To give readers a comprehensive understanding of the study by Gordon et al., let’s delve into its design, participants, and methods, as these elements lay the foundation for the insights into what it takes to achieve a sub-3-hour marathon (7). This study was crafted to analyze and compare the physiological and training characteristics of recreational marathon runners, breaking down how differences in performance might be linked to specific physiological markers and training practices.

The study examined 97 recreational marathon runners from the UK, with an average age of 42.4 years, to analyze the physiological and training characteristics associated with different marathon finishing times. Participants were grouped into performance bands ranging from 2.5–3 hours to over 4.5 hours. The researchers conducted lab-based tests to measure key physiological variables such as VO₂max, lactate thresholds, and running economy. Additionally, they collected data on training habits through questionnaires, including weekly mileage, session frequency, and estimated training speeds. This approach allowed the researchers to correlate physiological measures with real-world training practices, providing insights into the factors that contribute to specific marathon times for recreational runners. Below is a summary of these findings:

Physiological Metric

2.5–3 Hour Marathon Runners

3–3.5 Hour Marathon Runners

3.5–4 Hour Marathon Runners

4–4.5 Hour Marathon Runners

>4.5 Hour Marathon Runners

VO₂max (mL/kg/min)

63.3 ± 7.7

55.7 ± 4.8

53.2 ± 4.6

53.0 ± 8.6

46.5 ± 5.2

LT1 Speed

4:39–5:04 min/km 7:28–8:08 min/mile

5:09–5:45 min/km 8:17–9:15 min/mile

5:31–6:09 min/km 8:52–9:54 min/mile

5:42–6:24 min/km 9:10–10:18 min/mile

6:26–7:32 min/km 10:21–12:07 min/mile

LT2 Speed

3:47–3:57 min/km 6:05–6:23 min/mile

4:15–4:27 min/km 6:50–7:10 min/mile

4:27–4:51 min/km 7:10–7:48 min/mile

4:39–5:03 min/km 7:29–8:07 min/mile

5:11–5:39 min/km 8:20–9:05 min/mile

Weekly Mileage (km)

60.1–122.3 km

55.5–107.5 km

35.1–89.7 km

41.4–70.4 km

34.3–53.3 km

Training Sessions/Week






Peak Long Run Distance (km)

35–40 km

29–33 km

28–32 km

29–33 km

20–30 km

From the chart above, its clear that sub-3-hour marathon runners distinguish themselves largely through their commitment to higher weekly mileage, more frequent training sessions, and longer peak long runs compared to other groups. While VO₂max and lactate thresholds play a role, the training volume appears to be a decisive factor. Sub-3-hour runners log on average 90 km per week, often over 5–6 sessions, creating a strong aerobic base that allows them to handle faster, sustained paces easier. Their peak long runs average between 35–40 km (around 22–25 miles), preparing them physically and mentally for the demands of the marathon distance. In contrast, slower groups average 34–53 km per week with fewer sessions and peak long runs of just 20–30 km. The higher mileage, consistent training frequency, and longer long runs all work together to boost endurance and efficiency, making these training elements essential for reaching a sub-3-hour finish.

The Blueprint: Putting it All Together

To reach a sub-3-hour marathon, it’s essential to balance frequency, volume, and intensity in training. According to research, elite and sub-elite runners log higher weekly mileages and more frequent sessions than their slower counterparts. A study by Seiler (2010) (8) suggests that either a pyramidal or polarized training model - those that spend approximately 80% of training time at low intensity and 20% at high intensity—can lead to superior endurance adaptations without risking overtraining.

Based on individuals wanting to run a sub 3 hour marathon, a typical program would include the following components:

Run Type



Weekly Structure

5–6 sessions per week, progressive mileage increases with a range of consistently achieving 90-120k a week

Week 1: 95 km Week 2: 104.5 km Week 3: 115 km

Long Runs

Builds endurance and prepares for race distance, often includes marathon pace segments

25km run with 3x3k @ Marathon Pace (MP) w/ 1k float

Threshold/tempo Sessions

Improves lactate clearance and tolerance through tempo runs or intervals

8x1k @ LT2 w/60s jog recovery

Speed/VO₂max Workouts

Boosts aerobic capacity through high-intensity intervals

4x1200m @ 5k Race Pace w/4min jog recovery

Recovery/Easy Runs

Promotes adaptation without additional fatigue

60 minutes @ 60-72% HRmax

Closing Thoughts: Embracing the Journey to a Sub-3-hour Marathon

Breaking the three-hour barrier is a demanding yet incredibly rewarding goal that requires a strategic, science-backed approach to training. This blog highlights the physiological key factors essential for a sub-3-hour marathon—VO₂max, lactate threshold, and running economy—and shows how a targeted plan can build the endurance and speed needed to excel over 42.195 kilometers.

Ready to chase that sub-3-hour dream or have another goal? With my running coaching services, I can help you turn this goal into a personalized, actionable plan tailored to your unique needs and current fitness level. From custom workouts and pacing strategies to guidance on optimizing recovery, I’ll work with you every step of the way. Don’t leave your goal to chance—reach out today to start on a clear, structured path toward your best marathon yet. Let’s lace up, commit to the journey, and make that goal a reality together!

Speak with a certified running coach by visiting today.


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  1. Haugen, T., Sandbakk, Ø., Seiler, S., & Tønnessen, E. (2022). The training characteristics of world-class distance runners: an integration of scientific literature and results-proven practice. Sports medicine-open8(1), 46.

  2. Laursen, P. B., & Jenkins, D. G. (2002). The scientific basis for high-intensity interval training. Sports medicine32(1), 53-73.

  3. Hickson RC, Bomze HA, Holloszy JO. Linear increase in aerobic power induced by a strenuous program of endurance exercise. J Appl Physiol 1977; 42: 372-6

  4. Buchheit, M., & Laursen, P. B. (2013). High-intensity interval training, solutions to the programming puzzle: Part I: cardiopulmonary emphasis. Sports medicine43(5), 313-338.

  5. Billat, V. L., Demarle, A. L. E. X. A. N. D. R. E., Slawinski, J. E. A. N., Paiva, M. A. R. I. O., & Koralsztein, J. P. (2001). Physical and training characteristics of top-class marathon runners. Medicine and science in sports and exercise33(12), 2089-2097

  6. Saunders, P. U., Pyne, D. B., Telford, R. D., & Hawley, J. A. (2004). Factors affecting running economy in trained distance runners. Sports medicine34, 465-485.

  7. Gordon, D., Wightman, S., Basevitch, I., Johnstone, J., Espejo-Sanchez, C., Beckford, C., ... & Merzbach, V. (2017). Physiological and training characteristics of recreational marathon runners. Open access journal of sports medicine, 231-241.

  8. Seiler, S. (2010). What is best practice for training intensity and duration distribution in endurance athletes?. International journal of sports physiology and performance5(3), 276-291.

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